Samuganne na Wenwanne Na Chords
Namal Udugama
Last Played 25/03/2025 13:14
Play Count 7420 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
Play Count 7420 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
View +14 more Namal Udugama Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Samuganne na Wenwanne Na' song:
[Intro] ---------------------------- |A |- |- |- | |D |- |- |- | |E |- |- |- | |A |- |- |F#m | |A |F#m |A |F#m | |Bm |- |E |- | |- |- |- |- | |A |- | [Chorus] ------------------------- A D E A Samuganne na ..... wen wanne na.... F#m Bm E A kedinaka ho apage sithum pathuman ituwewi [Verse 1] ------------------------- A D Bm A Aradanawan ayachanawan // D E A piligath nisa oya..... hamuwewi [Verse 2] ------------------------- A D Bm A Alaya sthira nisa .... noyamu apa wen wela // D E A bawayen bawe sada ..... humwewi
14 More Songs by Namal Udugama:
Samuganne na Wenwanne Na Lyrics:

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